The Analgesic Effect of Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb and Curcuma domestica Val:Analysis of The Ethanol Extract in Mice With Writhing Test
Lilik Yusetyani, Herra Studiawan, Reni Sulistyawati
Adenin From The Leaves of Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten) Steenis)
Ratna Djamil, Wahyudi PS, Wahono S, M.Hanafi
Anticonvulsant Activity of Ethanol and Chloroform Extract of Centella asiatica (L) Urb on Pentylenetetrazole Induced Seizure In Mice
Moch.Saiful Bachri, Fitri Setyaningsih, Nita Dwi kurniawati
The Influence of Copper And Cobalt Ions Addition In Cell Suspension Culture Of Impatiens balsamina L. Toward Coumarins Yield
Zainab, Soegihardjo C.J.
Eurycomanone Induces Apoptosis Through Activation of Caspase-9 on Human Cervical Cancer (Hela) Cells
Nurkhasanah, Azimahtol Hawariah, LP
Antiangiogenic Effects of Water Fraction of Green Algae (Spirogyra sp.) Ethanol Extract With Chorio Allantoic Membrane Method
Ketty Suryaningrum. Wahyu Widyaningsih
Cytotoxic and Apoptosis Inducing Activity of Ethanol And Ethyl Acetate Extracts of Binahong Leaves (Anredera Cordofolia Tenore Steen) on Cervical Cancer Cell Lines (HeLa)
Dwi Utami, Vivi Januarti, Melly
Isolation And Larvacidal Activity of Essential Oil Mango Turmeric Rhizomes (Curcuma Mangga, Val.) Against Larvae of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Also Gas Chromatogram-Mass Spectrometry Profile
Lolita, R. Siti Nur Djannah, Laela Hayu Nurani
Ethanolic Extract of Pasak Bumi Leaves Antiangiogenic Activity on Chorioallantoic Membrane of Chicken Embryo Induced by bFGF
Nina Salamah
Activities of Red Meniran Ethanol Extract (Phyllanthus urinaria L.) As Antihyperuricemia on Mice
Aguslina Kirtishanti

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