Dr.dr. Akrom, M.Kes.
Associate Professor
Research Topics In General
Imunopharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology-biomolecular, Evidence based Medicine
Current Research Interest
Immunopharmacology Phytomedicine, Immunopharmaology Chemoprventive, healy technoogy assessment and medication errors in hospital and primary services, model development model of intervention of pharmaceutical care in the hospital and primary services for chronic disease (Astma, hypertension,Diabetic Mellitus, COPD, HIV-AIDS), survey of cigerrete as risk factors of chronic disease.
Current Research Interest :
- Development of @IMUNAK as a standardized herb for complementary therapy in metabolic syndrome
- Development of a counseling model in pharmaceutical care for chronic patients (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, asthma, COPD, HIV-AIDS) in hospitals and health centers
- Smoking Problems for Health: awareness of students and society
- Development of Black Cumin Seed Oil (Nigella sativa) as chemotherapy in metabolic syndrome patients at the Primary health center
- Development of black seed oil as a chemopreventive immunomodulator for lung cancer
- Relationship between the habit of drinking herbal medicine and exposure to cigarette smoke with levels of SOD and MDA in the community
- Health technology assessment research: Effect of Guava leaf extract on platelet count, LOS, IgG, SGPT, SGOT, and creatinine
- HTA: evaluation of the effectiveness of polyberbal antihypertensives and antihypertensive drugs in RRJHM B2P2OOT and Tugu Rejo Hospital Semarang
Representative Publications:
- Akrom, & Nurwijayanti, A. (2015). Brief counseling and mobile phone short message service (SMS) increase patient compliance. International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, 4(3), 175–179.
- Akrom, A., Budiyono, B., & Supadmi, W. (2015). Pharmaceutical Care Training Increases the Ability Pharmacists to Reduce the Incidence of Medication Error. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 4(2), 119. https://doi.org/10.11591/.v4i2.4721
- Saputri, G. Z., Akrom, A., & Darmawan, E. (2017). Improving Outpatient’s Quality of Life through Patient Adherence of Antihypertensive Therapy Using “Mobile Phone (SMS) and Brief Counseling 5A” in Polyclinic of Internal Medicine at PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul Hospital, Yogyakarta. Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 6(2), 67–77. https://doi.org/10.15416/ijcp.2017.6.2.67
- Akrom, & Mustofa. (2017). Black cumin seed oil increases phagocytic activity and secretion of IL-12 by macrophages. Biomedical Research (India), 28(12), 5241–5246.
- Akrom, A., & Darmawan, E. (2017). Tolerability and safety of black cumin seed oil (Bcso) administration for 20 days in healthy subjects. Biomedical Research (India), 28(9), 4196–4201.