Lina Widiyastuti,, Apt

Assistant Professor

Research Topics in General:

Drug Formulation (pharmaceutical technology)

Current Research Interest:

Solid Drug Formulation


Current research interest  :

  1. Granule Formulation of Purified Extracts Combination of Herba Gotu Kola (Centellaasiatica) and Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
  2. Release Profile of Andrographolid Granule of Purified Extract Combination of Pegagan Herbs (Centeellaasiatica. L Urban) and Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata.Burm. F. Nees)
  3. Repellant Activity Test of Nutmeg Essential Oil (Myristicafragans) againts Female Aedesaegepty Mosquitoes
  4. Mefenamic Acid Tablet Formulation Using Solid Dispersion Technique Contained Lactose and Avicel PH 1011
  5. Characterization of Solid Dispersion Mefenamic Acid Using Lactose and Avicel PH 101

Representative Publication:

  1. Formulasi Granul Kombinasi Ekstrak Terpurifikasi HerbaPegagan (Centellaasiatica) dan Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) Media farmasi/ISSN 1412-7946/143-145/2015
  2. Profil Pelepasan Andrografolid Granul Kombinasi Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Herba Pegagan (Centeellaasiatica. L Urban) dan Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata.Burm. f. Nees) JFIKI/Vol.3 No 2 Desember 2016



Kampus 3

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo Sh, Warungboto, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55164
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120 Ext. –
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Email : farmasi[at]

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