Dr. drh. Sapto Yuliani, MP

Associate Professor

Research Topic In General        :          

Pre Clinical Study of Plant/ Drug Compound Activity

Current Researcch Interest          :

Neuroprotective and Dementia Activity Research


Current Reseach Interests are :

  1. A mixture of turmeric extract tablets (Curcuma longa L) and gotu kola (Centela asiatica) herb as a neuroprotector of dementia
  2. Effect of curcumin-standardized turmeric extract (curcuma longa linn) on dementia model mice (hippocampus antioxidant and histopathological studies)
  3. Soft Capsules of Turmeric Essential Oil (Curcuma longa L) as an anti-dementia
  4. Curcumin Standardized Turmeric Extract Tablets as a Neuroprotector of Alzheimer’s Disease
  5. Effects of Combination of Turmeric Rhizome Extract (Curcuma longa Linn) and Herba Gotu Kola (Centela asiatica) on Bcl-2 Gene Expression in Pyramidal Region CA2-CA3 Cells in Mouse Hippocampus Model of Trimetilti-Induced Dementia
  6. Effects of Gotu Kola Extract as a Dementia Neuroprotector

Representative Publication:

  1. Yuliani S, Mustofa, Partadiredja G. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) extract may prevent the deterioration of spatial memory and the deficit of estimated total number of hippocampal pyramidal cells of trimethyltin-exposed rats. Drug Chem Toxicol. 2017;1–10.
  2. Yuliani S, Widyarini S, Mustofa, Partadiredja G. Turmeric extract inhibits apoptosis of hippocampal neurons of trimethyltin-exposed rats. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2017;118:142–8.
  3. Yuliani S, Mustofa, Partadiredja G . The neuroprotective effects of an ethanolic turmeric (Curcuma longa l.) extract against trimethyltin-induced oxidative stress in rats, Nut. Neurosci, Published online 07 Mar 2018
  4. Najini, R., Bachri, M. S., & Yuliani, S. (2018). The gastroprotective effects of canna edulis ker. tuber starch on peptic ulcer and the histopathological profile of rat stomach. Pharmaciana, 8(1), 43. https://doi.org/10.12928/pharmaciana.v8i1.8988
  5. Yuliani, S., Prasetya, D. Y., & Bachri, Moch. S. (2018). Effect of Temulawak ( Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Extract on the MDA Levels and GPx Activity in the Brains of Trimethyltin Induced Dementia Model Rats . Advanced Science Letters, 23(12), 12451–12454. https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2017.10790.

Kampus 3

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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