Susan Farmasi

Susan Fitria Candradewi,M.Sc.,Apt


Research Topics In General:

Clinical Pharmacy. Pharmacoeconomis,  community pharmacy, social pharmacy

Current Research Interest:

  1. Effectiveness analysis of enoxaparin compared to fondaparinux in acute coronary sindrom patient
  2. Cost analysis in acute coronary syndrome patients based on clinical pathway
  3. Adverse drug reaction drug used in pregnant women in Regonal Hospital Yogyakarta
  4. The Effect of Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) and Motivational SMS on Knowledge, Perception, Compliance, and Quality of Life of Pregnant Patients in Primary Care
  5. Effectiveness and rationality analysis of Antibiotics in post partum patients in Yogyakarta

Representative Publications:

Candradewi, S. F., & Kristina, S. A. (2017). Gambaran pelaksanaan swamedikasi dan pendapat konsumen apotek mengenai konseling obat tanpa resep di wilayah Bantul. Pharmaciana, 7(1), 41.

Candradewi, S.F., Saputri, G.Z., Adnan. (2019) .Validasi Kuesioner Pengetahuan Anemia Dan Suplemen Zat Besi Pada Ibu Hamil. Pharmascience, 7(1), 18-24.

Candradewi, S.F., Saputri, G.Z., Sundari, Dwi., Azizah, I.A, (2021). Effects of Active Learning and FGD Education Methods on the DAGUSIBU Knowledge of MA Nurul Ummah Students, Yogyakarta. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Health Science and Nursing (ICoSIHSN 2020), 33.

Saputri, G.Z., Candradewi, S.F., Hidayati, Ana., Winarti, Diar. (2021).The Correlation Between Pregnant Women Knowledge Level, Perception, and Compliance With Ferrous Fumarate Tablet Consumption in a Primary Health Care Institution, Vol 3.

Kampus 3

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo Sh, Warungboto, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55164
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120 Ext. –
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : farmasi[at]

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