Health Promotion
Health Promotion: Understanding The Covid-19 Vaccine and Its Halal Critical Points
Yogyakarta, May 27, 2021. The student group of the Pharmacist Profession Study Program, UAD Faculty of Pharmacy, has conducted health promotion under the topic “Mengenal Vaksin Covid-19 dan Titik Kritis Kehalalannya“. Moreover, UAD Pharmacy Lecturers, Dr. apt. Woro Supadmi., M.Sc and apt. Putri Rachma Novitasari, M.Pharm.Sci. also joined the UAD pharmacist profession student group. The targets of this activity were the Cleaning Service (CS) team of UAD Campus 3. This series of health promotion activities have been done offline at Campus 3 UAD while still implementing the health protocol. Eighteen CS participated in this activity. This agenda was held to provide education and information to the residents of UAD Campus 3 concerning the importance of preventing Covid-19 and being wise in responding to the Covid-19 vaccine.
The UAD Pharmacist Profession Student Health Promotion group involvement was a synergy in the implementation of Tri Dharma. The counseling student team consisted of Rochmafihro, S.Farm, Desy Putri Angrejekeni, S.Farm, and Vani Destiana Fatikasari, S.Farm. It was not only clearly delivered to the CS participants, but also aimed to train communication and education skills in the surrounding community.
The information conveyed was about Covid-19 and the purpose of giving the Covid 19 vaccine. Various symptoms of COVID-19 ranging from the most common such as fever, dry cough, and fatigue, to severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath, loss of ability to speak, and chest pain, were explained by the Health Promotion Team.
The lecturers, Dr. apt. Woro and apt. Putri Rachma were also added the information about the primary purpose of giving Covid-19 vaccination were to reduce the transmission of Covid-19, diminish morbidity and mortality due to Covid-19, and create herd immunity to protect society from Covid-19 to stay productive.
The discussion was continued with the provision of information about halal aspect of the Covid-19 vaccine, especially in Indonesia. Following the issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) has been declared that the Covid-19 vaccine is halal, which it was made by Sinovac Life Science Co. Ltd China and PT Biofarma (Persero) based on various criteria and its halal critical points.
The critical points halal status of this vaccine was not using pigs or materials contaminated with pigs and their derivatives, not utilizing human limbs, contacting with najis mutawassithah (moderate unclean) items but have been purified and met the purification by the Islamic Knowledge (syar’i), and using holy production facilities.
Regarding the efficacy, safety, and effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine, it has been proven from the phase III clinical trial result (65.3%). This result met the WHO standards for vaccines with at least 50% emergency clearance. Furthermore, several mild to moderate side effects from this vaccine were low-grade fever, pain at the injection site, headache, muscle aches, and diarrhea.
The health promotion activities became more interesting with the participants’ enthusiasm in the discussion, question, and answer sessions regarding various information, both myths and facts circulating in the community. Therefore, this activity and counseling are expected to add insight and understanding of the community, especially the UAD Campus 3 CS team, about the halal aspect and importance of realizing the Covid-19 vaccine.
Let’s help the government to make the Covid-19 vaccine program a success together. Apply 3M to make strong immunity and increased the productivity. Keep spirit, Stay healthy!