Lina Widiyastuti,, Apt
Assistant Professor
Research Topics in General:
Drug Formulation (pharmaceutical technology)
Current Research Interest:
Solid Drug Formulation
Current research interest :
- Granule Formulation of Purified Extracts Combination of Herba Gotu Kola (Centellaasiatica) and Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
- Release Profile of Andrographolid Granule of Purified Extract Combination of Pegagan Herbs (Centeellaasiatica. L Urban) and Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata.Burm. F. Nees)
- Repellant Activity Test of Nutmeg Essential Oil (Myristicafragans) againts Female Aedesaegepty Mosquitoes
- Mefenamic Acid Tablet Formulation Using Solid Dispersion Technique Contained Lactose and Avicel PH 1011
- Characterization of Solid Dispersion Mefenamic Acid Using Lactose and Avicel PH 101
Representative Publication:
- Formulasi Granul Kombinasi Ekstrak Terpurifikasi HerbaPegagan (Centellaasiatica) dan Herba Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) Media farmasi/ISSN 1412-7946/143-145/2015
- Profil Pelepasan Andrografolid Granul Kombinasi Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Herba Pegagan (Centeellaasiatica. L Urban) dan Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata.Burm. f. Nees) JFIKI/Vol.3 No 2 Desember 2016