Laboratory Profile
Clinical, Community and Information System Pharmacy Laboratory consist Of Three main laboratory:
1. Pharmaceutical Care laboratory
2. Mini pharmacy
3. CBT center
Pharmaceutical Care Laboratory
The Pharmaceutical Care Laboratory is a laboratory located on the 2nd floor of the Laboratory Building on campus 3. This laboratory has a virtual patient simulator called the Body Interact Simulator. This tool is a virtual patient to see the effect or condition of the patient after receiving a treatment or therapy .
Some of the activities carried out in the Pharmaceutical Care lab are:
- Pharmaceutical Care Practice
- Skill Lab for Pharmaceutical Care Practice Blok Hospital Using Body Interact Simulator
- Drug Therapy Monitoring Lecture for Masters Students of Clinical Pharmacy
- Problem Based Learning Tutorial Activities for Professional Program Student
- Workshop Using Body Interact Simulator
Mini Pharmacy
Mini Pharmacy is a miniature pharmacy. This laboratory show us the real conditions in a pharmacy.
Some of the activities carried out at this Mini Pharmacy are:
- Role Play for Communication,
- Information and Education Practicum (IEC)
Information Systems Laboratory (CBT-Center)
The Information Systems Laboratory (CBT-Center) is a laboratory located on the 3rd floor of the Ahmad Dahlan University campus 3. This laboratory is the Computer Based Test Center of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Ahmad Dahlan . Activities carried out in this lab include:
- Pre-PKPA CBT Examination for Pharmacies and Hospitals for Professional Program Students,
- The Indonesian Pharmacist Competency National Examination.