Warsi, M. Sc., Apt.

Assistant Professor

Research Topic In General : 

Drug Synthesis, Structure Relationship and Drug Activity, Chemical Analysis, In Vitro Activity  for analitycal chemistry, Analisis of Natural Compound

Current Research Interest:

  1. Identification of natural compound using Metabolomic approach
  2. Analysis of natural compound using LC-MS, GC-MS dan HNMR.
  3. Antioksidant activity assay, anti inflammation and Antidiabetic by in vitro test.
  4. Toxicity assay of natural compound using zebrafish

Description :

  1. Grand Research 2013 with Dr. Nanik Sulistyani, M.Sc., Apt, with the title “Isolation and Characterization of Antibiotics from Potent Tin Plant Rhizosphere Actinomycetes Isolates Against MRSA.
  2. Research Grant for Beginner Lecturers, Directorate General of Higher Education, 2016, with the title “Isolation of Antioxidant Compounds from Red Paprika (Capsicum annum, L.) with Bioassay Guided Fractionation”
  3. Research Collaboration in 2018 on “halal food”, with the title “Comparison of Gelatin Extraction between Conventional and HPP Method and Properties of Gelatin”. Collaboration with the International Institute for Halal Research and Trining (International Islamic University Malaysia)
  4. Research collaboration in 2020 with Prof. Dr. apt. Nurkhasanah, M.Si., with title “Metabolomics Approach to Analyse Antidiabetic Compounds from Red Seaweed”. This Grant is internal research of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan with International collaboration, with International Islamic University Malaysia.

Representative Publications:

  1. Warsi, Guntarti, A., Aktivitas Penangkapan Radikal 2,2–difenil–1–pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) oleh Ekstrak Metanol Paprika Merah (Capsicum annuum, ), Media Farmasi, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2016.
  2. Warsi, Sholichah, A.R., Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic Extract and Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Basil Leaf (Ocimumbasilicum) by DPPH Radical Scavenging Method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, Vol. 259.
  3. Warsi, Puspitasari, G., Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol dan Fraksi Etil Asetat Daun Kemangi (Ocimum basilicum) dengan Metode Fosfomolibdat, Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia, Vol 4, No. 2, 2017.
  4. Warsi, Erlila, N., Skrining Fitokimia Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Fraksi N-Heksan-Dietil Eter Paprika Merah (Capsicum annuum) dengan Metode DPPH, Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Setya Medika, Vol. 2, 2017.
  5. Warsi, Sardjiman, Riyanto, S., Synthesis And Antioxidant Activity Of Curcumin Analogues, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,  Vol 10 (4), 2018.
  6. Warsi, Guntarti, A., Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Metanol Paprika Kuning (Capsicum annuum, L.) dengan Metode Penangkapan Radikal DPPH, Pharmaciana, Vol. 7, No. 2, November 2017.

Gambar yang perlu ditampilkan:

Spektrum ¹³C NMR 2,5-bis(4’-hidroksi-5’-kloro-3’-metoksibenzildin)siklopentanol

Spektrum 1H NMR 2,5–bis(4’–hidroksi–5’–kloro–3’–metoksibenzilidin)siklopentanon

Spektrum Infra Red 2,5–bis(4’–hidroksi–5’–kloro–3’–metoksibenzilidin)siklopentanon

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Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Prof. DR. Soepomo Sh, Warungboto, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55164
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