Guest Lecture by Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari M.Si., Ph.D. at Taipei Medical University
Taipei- 17/7/2018- In a series of visits by the Pharmacy Faculty of UAD to Taipei Medical University, the dean of the Pharmacy Faculty, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari M.Si., Ph.D., had the opportunity to deliver a guest lecture for master and doctoral students in the Department of Pharmacogenomic and Pharmacoproteomic. In her session, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari M.Si., Ph.D. discussed “Personalized Medicine in TB Treatment” based on her experiences with Indonesian TB patients and “Pharmacovigilance of Oral Anti-TB.” In this visit, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari M.Si., Ph.D. also conducted an experiment in the Genomic and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) field at Prof. Chang Laboratory. She asserted that genomic is critical to managing medicines with dangerous adverse events, including medication for cancer. Therefore, personalized therapy is the best solution from the not size-fit-all medicines for all patients. Prof Wei-Chiao Chang also emphasized that TMU will commit to establish cooperation and reinforce the relationship between the Pharmacy of UAD and the Pharmacy of TMU, particularly in the genomic field. (Lalu/DV)
Beliau menyampaikan bahwa bidang genomic ini sangat diperlukan untuk mengatasi obat-obat yang memiliki adverse event berbahaya, termasuk obat-obat kanker. Sehingga terapi berbasiskan individu akan menjadi sebuah solusi terbaik dari not size-fit all atau satu obat untuk semua pasien. Prof Wei-Chiao Chang juga menekankan bahwa TMU akan berkomitment untuk membangun kerjasama dan memperkuat hubungan antara Farmasi UAD dan Farmasi TMU khususnya dibidang Genomic. (Lalu/DV)