Yogyakarta – On Monday (26/03/2018), the Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held a pharmacist oath-taking batch of XXXIII. The event was held at the Eastparc Hotel and attended by 126 new pharmacists. The board of the Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Rectorate, representatives of IAI PD DIY, DIY Health Service, National Pharmacy Committee (NPC), other faculties of Pharmacy in Yogyakarta, and preceptors were also invited to come. New pharmacists who were sworn in had implemented PKPA in various pharmacy practice places and had taken the Comprehensive Examination and the National Pharmacist Competency Test in Indonesia. In her speech, Dr. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari, Ph.D., Apt. (Dean of Pharmacy Faculty UAD) said that of the total pharmacists who took the oath, only about 10% are from Yogyakarta. Thus, new pharmacists are expected to return to their hometowns and provide community services in their respective regions.
The representative of IAI PD DIY, Dr. Nanang Munif Yasin, M.Pharm., Apt. said that a new pharmacist must be SIAP (Skillful, Innovative, Adaptive, Professional). Skillful means pharmacists must constantly upgrade their skills. Second, pharmacists must be ready to innovate. Currently, the development in the pharmacy world has been rapid and very competitive, so that innovation is needed to survive in this competition. Third, pharmacists must easily adapt, especially to technological developments that support professionalism. Fourth, pharmacists must have a professional and responsible attitude without neglecting ethical and moral values. An interesting fact was conveyed by the NPC representative, Dr. Umi Athijah, MS., Apt., that 78% of Indonesian pharmacists are women based on the NPC data. This shows that in carrying out this profession, patience and forbearance are needed. Dr. Dyah added that the equitable distribution of pharmacists in Indonesia is expected to support the implementation of government programs, such as Nusantara Sehat which is in line with Nawacita to develop Indonesia from the periphery. New pharmacists who have passed the competency test are expected to keep on practicing and working hard without neglecting the code of ethics and professional conduct.
Dra. Hardiah Djuliani, M.Si., Apt. representing the Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office said that the Nusantara Sehat Program under the Nawacita program launched by the government will be done well if it gets support from all levels of society, especially healthcare workers. The program has three main facets. The first is the Healthy Paradigm. The current condition forces people to not only think about curative and rehabilitative actions but also preventive and promotive actions. This is related to the increasingly expensive medical procedures. The second one is the rationalization of antibiotic use to reduce the risk of resistance. Improving the quality of immunization by ensuring the availability and administration of vaccines is also an important duty for pharmacists. The third is stunting as a serious public health problem for future generations of Indonesia. The role of pharmacists is also vital in this matter, especially in the National Nutrition Campaign program. On the same occasion, Dr. Abdul Fadlil, M.T. as Vice-Chancellor 3 of UAD said that the Faculty of Pharmacy is one of the leading faculties at UAD. There have been many achievements made by both students and lecturers. It is hoped that the department and its academic achievements will be continuously improving. (DV-Public Relations Pharmacy Faculty)